Oxfam Ireland Homepage
  • 1 mins read time
  • Published: 8th May 2019
  • Blog by Alice Reetham

What kind of Europe do you want?

With the EU elections taking place later this month and the chance to elect a new European Parliament, let’s talk about the kind of Europe we want.  

For decades, the European Union has promoted peace, democracy and shared prosperity. The EU makes decisions on important issues that have consequences in Europe and beyond, including climate change, rising inequality, migration and aid for poorer countries.

Oxfam challenges EU policies to make them work for people in poverty, ensuring they have a far-reaching, positive impact on the lives of those most in need. With the help of our supporters, we can ensure that our EU representatives show strong leadership to create justice and equality for all. You can read more in Oxfam’s manifesto for the 2019 European Elections here

Ahead of the elections, we want to let MEP candidates know about #AEuropeWeWant.  Watch this video featuring Oxfam staff talking about the Europe they want. Share it on your social media channels – that way, we can let MEP candidates, family and friends know about the kind of equitable and fair Europe we all want.   

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