- 3 mins read time
- Published: 3rd November 2020
Stuck for Stocking Fillers? Oxfam's online Christmas pop-up shop is now open!

On the 21 October, for the second time this year, our shops across the Republic of Ireland closed their doors to protect our staff, volunteers and customers, and to do our part in stopping the spread of Covid-19.
Our shops play an invaluable role in raising much-needed funds for our work worldwide – they help ensure we can continue to protect and support some of the most vulnerable people in the world.
However, they’re not just vital to our organisation, each one is community hub that has served and been supported by you for decades.
With our shops closed once again, we need your support now more than ever.
At this time of unprecedented change for us all, our mission remains the same – to let you, our supporters, know how you can help communities facing extreme poverty and disaster. Life-saving work that is only possible because of you.
We believe that sharing the stories and experiences of the communities we work with is even more important now with the rapid spread of Covid-19 and the multiple social and economic consequences it brings with it. From people living in flimsy shelters in refugee camps or communities without adequate hygiene and health infrastructure or social security, to countries like the Philippines suffering wave after wave of unimaginable extreme weather events, this pandemic is a crisis upon crises.
As you know, our shops play a central role in supporting our emergency appeals. Right now, we are trying to raise funds for the people of Syria. As we battle Covid-19, the situation for Syrians deteriorates by the minute. The virus threatens to harm as well as starve vulnerable families. More than nine years of conflict has led to an unprecedented number of parents struggling to put food on the table for their children.

We’re urgently appealing for your help and want to share some ways that you can continue to support your local Oxfam shop, even if its doors are closed.
We still want the things you don’t!
It might not be spring but the extra time during lockdown is a good time to start an autumn clear out. Save your donations and drop them in when we’re back up and running – for all of us, hopefully this will be sooner rather than later.
You can also help us continue to raise vital funds:
- Make a one-off donation or setup a monthly one if you can.
- Send a message to a special friend or family member with our Unwrapped alternative gift range.
- Bag a bargain on www.fashionrelief.ie. Fashion Relief TV has new and pre-loved clothes and accessories for sale with new items added every second Friday when the show airs.
- Set yourself a challenge and setup a Facebook fundraiser in solidarity with your local Oxfam shop – and help continue its crucial fundraising work.

64 years together.
Our shops have been a part of local communities as far back as 1956. That is 64 years of providing people with affordable and sustainable clothing, books, furniture and more.
Thank you for all of the ways you’ve supported us over those 64 years from donating and shopping to volunteering your time and talent.
We hope you will stand with us now and understand why we are asking for your continued support through this global storm that we are all weathering together.