Promoting Human Rights in Global Supply Chains
The private sector is the largest provider of employment globally, with people worldwide depending on companies for jobs and incomes. Yet the hundreds of millions of people working in international supply chains often live poverty, facing insecurity, insufficient pay, low prices and poor working conditions.
Our Aim
We strive to support vulnerable people in global supply chains, so they have decent, dignified work and earn a living wage.
Business can play a critical role in driving the systemic changes needed to transform farmers’ and workers’ lives for the better. In particular, companies can take steps to be better employers, buyers, and partners with their suppliers to raise the bar on ethical performance as well as encouraging governments to develop effective human rights legislation, helping to create a rising tide of responsible business practice.

We strive to support vulnerable people in global supply chains, so they have decent, dignified work and earn a living wage.
Business can play a critical role in driving the systemic changes needed to transform farmers’ and workers’ lives for the better. In particular, companies can take steps to be better employers, buyers, and partners with their suppliers to raise the bar on ethical performance as well as encouraging governments to develop effective human rights legislation, helping to create a rising tide of responsible business practice.
Our Challenge To Companies
We challenge companies to move beyond compliance towards making positive impacts on workers in their supply chain through continuous improvement, engaging with suppliers, civil society and governments to transform systems and advance sustainable development.
With a deep understanding of labour rights issues and their root causes, Oxfam encourages companies to focus on improving working conditions, tackling gender inequalities and promoting living wages, adopting proven, best practice approaches.
Our Work On Human and Labour Rights
Our work is guided by the conventions of the International Labour Organisation, the Ethical Trading Initiative’s Base Code and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), which provide a global, framework for action by companies on human rights. Whether challenging or working with major companies on solutions, we highlight the impacts of purchasing practices that prioritise cost-cutting and quality standards over respecting the rights of workers, with consequences for working conditions, job security and incomes.
We advocate for and advise on strategies to enhance people’s wellbeing and share more value with the most vulnerable, enabling them to benefit more from their participation in global supply chains. While there is still much to do, progress is underway, with leading companies committing to follow the UNGPs. We are turning attention to how human rights and decent work can be upheld for the growing workforce in the informal and gig economy.
Promoting Living Wages
Every worker has the right to a living wage –a wage that meets their basic needs and enables them to save towards their family’s future. But all too often, there is a gap between workers’ actual income and a living wage.
Helping Companies Move Beyond Audit To Source Responsibly
We work with companies to help them move beyond audit by developing in-depth understanding of their human rights impacts and co-creating bespoke programmes to drive progress. By conducting Human Rights due diligence, including impact assessments, comprehensive research reports and poverty footprint studies. To further support this work and enable more companies to make progress on responsible sourcing strategies, we have recently launched an Oxfam Business Advisory Service.
If you would like to discuss how your company can get involved with Oxfam Ireland, please contact or call (+353) 1 6727662
Corporate Engagement
Your business can play a leading role in ending poverty and injustice, respecting human rights and protecting the planet.
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