Oxfam Ireland Homepage
Destruction of Gaza
  • 3 min read
  • Published: 6th May 2024
  • Press Release by Colin Carey

“Israel’s allies have blood on their hands”

“Israel’s allies have blood on their hands” says Oxfam Ireland as Israel issues evacuation order in Rafah city

With the ground invasion of Rafah city imminent, Oxfam International is calling on EU countries to immediately suspend the EU-Israel association agreement. Oxfam Ireland is calling out Israel’s allies saying that they now too have blood on their hands.

Oxfam Ireland CEO Jim Clarken said:

“Israel’s order to evacuate around 100,000 people in preparation of a ground invasion of Rafah city is a horrifying development in the ongoing barbaric onslaught. Everyone today is asking themselves how one country can continue to be allowed to kill and starve with such impunity?

“The fear in Rafah is palpable, as people who have already been forced to flee across Gaza multiple times, must now move again.

“Over 1.3 million people – mostly women and children – already suffering unimaginable horrors of starvation, displacement, disease, and deprivation, are now caged in the last remaining corner of the besieged enclave, with no operational hospital and nowhere else to go. Safely and legally evacuating them in such a short time is impossible.

“I am deeply worried for the civilians trapped in Rafah, including our Oxfam colleagues. Oxfam still has 22 staff in Gaza, with 5 of them in Rafah city. 4 of our colleagues received the notification to evacuate. Despite this, Oxfam has been able to reach over 300,000 people with life-saving aid over the past 7 months.  We want to continue this work.

“With Israel now blocking aid, fuel or goods from entering the two critical crossings of Rafah and Kerem Shalom, humanitarian efforts to save lives will be even more difficult.

“Israel can only continue with its war crimes because powerful countries have given it carte blanche. Despite the pleadings of political leaders, despite the ruling of the international court, Israel knows that it can count on key allies for multi-billion-dollar funds and direct arms support.

“Ireland has stood out among the countries of the world as a true ally of the besieged Palestinian people. Today and with the utmost sense of urgency we reiterate our calls for:

- an immediate and permanent ceasefire
- opening up of all land & sea crossings into Gaza to allow in lifesaving aid
-  the unconditional return of all hostages

“Recent history has taught us that calls for a ceasefire can fall on deaf ears so long as Israel knows it has the backing of powerful allies. Therefore, in addition, we are now calling for:

- the immediate suspension of the EU-Israel association agreement
- halting of the transfer of money and arms to Israel by its allies

“The time has come when we in Ireland must call out our international friends who, through open or tacit support for Israel, are allowing this travesty to happen before our very eyes.

“Israel’s allies have blood on their hands. In everything we do in Ireland, through the EU and internationally we must work to end this deepening nightmare”.


For further information or to arrange interviews, please contact:

Jacqui Corcoran, 
Communications & Campaigns Manager, 
Oxfam Ireland



Note for Editor

Oxfam’s response in Gaza

Despite the difficult operational environment, Oxfam’s response with 13 local partner organizations in Gaza has reached over 300,000 individuals since October 2023 across all of Gaza.

A major response has been coordinated with partners on the ground in terms of water supply and wastewater management. Drinking water trucking and water jerries’ distribution have so far reached 103,000 individuals and counting; while 5 water desalination units have been successfully installed across Rafah, Al Mawasi, and Khan Younis. Localized wastewater network rehabilitation has also been carried out as well as cleaning service provision and 68 latrine blocks installation altogether benefitting 30,000 individuals so far.

Partnered response have also included food parcel distribution to a total of 2,398 households/16,236 individuals – with 6,000 more IDP households served with fresh produce, and distribution of winterization packages to 300 households/1,800 individuals – with 288 more households in the plans. Cash distribution to 228 households/1,368 individuals has also been completed. Mattresses, blankets, bedding sets, sleeping matts and pillows have also been distributed to 6,256 individuals with more planned. 13,463 vulnerable families and individuals were assisted with family hygiene kits, dignity kits, mother-and-baby kits, commode chairs and assistive devices.