Takers Not Makers Report
Our Davos 2025 Report
Oxfam's Takers not Makers Report
There were 204 newly minted billionaires in 2024, nearly four every week.
Oxfam predicts there will be at least five trillionaires a decade from now.
Richest of Global North extracted €29m an hour from the Global South through the financial system in 2023.
of billionaire wealth is from monopoly and 25% is inherited
Of global billionaire wealth is inherited, or gained via connections or monopolistic sources.
Takers not Makers Report
Oxfam’s report details how our deeply unequal world is built on a legacy of historical colonialism and also how colonialism now has a modern-day form.
“The capture of our global economy by a privileged few has reached heights once considered unimaginable. The failure to stop billionaires is now spawning soon-to-be trillionaires. Not only has the rate of billionaire wealth accumulation accelerated —by three times— but so too has their power."— Jim Clarken, Oxfam Ireland CEO
Oxfam Ireland is urging the next Government to:
- Tax extreme wealth to pay for public services, honour our international commitments and to broaden our own tax base. We propose a flat rate of 1.5% on all net wealth, that is real wealth, above.
- Lead efforts for a more multilateral world by advocating for debt cancellation, democratisation of international institutions like the UN, the World Bank and the IMF and regulate corporations to ensure living wages and fair-trade practices.
- Commit to climate justice by ramping up our domestic climate action and providing greater financial support for countries in the global south experiencing climate breakdown and related hunger and conflict.