Last year with the support of Irish Aid and the Irish public, Oxfam Ireland reached 12.2 million people across 12 countries.
Reaching 12.2 million includes
- Direct support like providing tools and training to help grow livelihoods or clean fresh water for people forced to flee
- Indirect support like mass media campaigns to challenge socials norms that contribute to poverty and inequality or raise awareness about how to stay safe during emergencies.
With the support of Irish Aid, we were able to build and setup offices for victim support unit and work with our local partner the Centre for Alternatives for Victimised Women and Children (CAVWOC), where police officers in Malawi support survivors of gender-based violence.

Meet Sergeant Jumbe - Victims Support Unit Officer in Malwai
With Irish Aid funding and the help from our partner CAVWOC, police officers in Malawi are able to assist with cases of gender-based violence.