Oxfam Ireland Homepage
  • 3 mins read time
  • Published: 29th November 2021
  • Blog by Christine Bale

Cards on the table, there’s no better Christmas gift than Oxfam Unwrapped

image of unwrapped cards

Trying to find the perfect gift can be tricky. So, this Christmas, instead of giving your Secret Santa another pair of novelty socks, why not give something different?

With more people on the hunt for ethical Christmas presents, an Oxfam Unwrapped gift is a gift you can feel good about giving to someone you care about.

The pandemic has made the most vulnerable even more vulnerable. For families already facing the threat of war, hunger and life-threatening diseases like cholera, Covid-19 only adds to the daily fear and uncertainty they feel.

By giving the gift of soap for at-risk communities this Christmas, you could provide a life-changing gift to a struggling family. Soap, which can be a barrier between life and death, is simple and cost-effective, but not readily available for many of the world’s poorest people.

Nur* is using the recently installed Contactless Handwashing Device in the Rohingya camp. Photo: Fabeha Monir/Oxfam

With this gift you are helping people like Nur* who has been in a camp for Rohingya refugees for almost three years and has had to face many challenges including living in a tent, extreme heat, monsoons and a lack of clean water.

To help families and women like Nur*, Oxfam has installed contactless handwashing devices and is providing hygiene education.

“We are not afraid, we know how to wash hands, how to be safe. We heard from volunteers, they told us.”
— Nur*

Your Unwrapped gift can make a real difference to the families living in crisis. In the past few years, we have seen the impact that climate change has had on people who are already living in extreme poverty. Often it is the people least responsible that are the most vulnerable to a warming planet’s devastating impacts on their communities and livelihoods. But thanks to people like you, Oxfam can provide training for farmers to help them plan for climate change.

Patouma Alisen is a farmer in the Liundi village in Malawi. Oxfam has been helping her and other farmers, who previously had to rely on maize, to grow vegetables in small kitchen gardens. Now they use some of the produce to feed their families and can earn an income by selling the rest.

By buying an Unwrapped gift like There is No Planet B this Christmas, you could help prepare more families for climate change.

How to Buy

Once you’ve selected your Unwrapped gift, there are several ways you can buy:

  1. Online at oxfamireland.org/unwrapped
  2. Call our office at 1850 30 40 55. We’re open Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm.
  3. Or, visit your local Oxfam shop. There, you can select your gifts of choice and pick up some other items on your Christmas list.

It's an amazing feeling to give someone a gift that keeps on giving. This Christmas, make a loved one smile while fighting poverty and protecting the environment… one gift at a time.