Oxfam Ireland Homepage
Customers shopping in Oxfam Shop
  • 1 mins read time
  • Published: 11th September 2024
  • Blog by Melissa Cooke

More than Sustainable Fashion; all the reasons why you should shop in charity shops


We all see the endless ads on social media - influencer marketing pushing us to believe we need the latest must-have item; fast fashion companies showing photos of clothes shouting “buy me.” It all gets a bit boring and repetitive! 

But there is another way. 

Oxfam Ireland’s Second Hand September encourages people to shop in charity shops and extend the life of their clothes. Here are some good reasons to be more sustainable when it comes to your clothes: 

Customer shopping Oxfam Ireland

It’s usually cheaper in the long run.

If you’re shopping sustainably, you won’t be running out of a high street store with a haul most weekends. Instead, you’ll be extending the life of an item of clothing picked up in a charity shop. 

It promotes your individuality. 

Express your uniqueness through your clothes! Why wouldn’t you want to find that beautiful denim jacket from 10 years ago that nobody has now! 

Siobhan McSweeney posing with a tie in her mouth and wearing a vest with many cool badges and broches

It promotes your individuality. 

Express your uniqueness through your clothes! Why wouldn’t you want to find that beautiful denim jacket from 10 years ago that nobody has now! 

Global Climate Strike.

It’s good for the planet. 

The fashion industry is extremely damaging to the environment. Help the planet by shopping in a charity shop. 

It’s good for relationships... 

Hear me out on this one! Being sustainable doesn’t only mean shopping second hand, it also means extending the lives of your clothes by swapping with friends. A fun way to connect with your loved ones! 

Sonia & Llaure, Bethnal Green shop volunteers

It’s good for relationships... 

Hear me out on this one! Being sustainable doesn’t only mean shopping second hand, it also means extending the lives of your clothes by swapping with friends. A fun way to connect with your loved ones! 

Felicia sewing, Ghana

You can learn new skills. 

Instead of throwing something away when the zip breaks, learn to repair it. There’s a great feeling of self-satisfaction that comes with this! 
