- 1 mins read time
- Published: 23rd December 2020
As 2020 draws to a close...

... a great big THANK YOU to all of our supporters!
The past 12 months has been a year of unprecedented challenges. From the pandemic to climate change, and from ongoing conflicts to the erosion of democracy, 2020 has been – at times – truly overwhelming.
Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of people have died from the virus; millions have lost jobs and livelihoods. The situation among the world’s most vulnerable people has been made even more precarious by the pandemic: Covid-19 particularly threatens the lives of those living in cramped refugee camps, with nothing but some tarpaulin separating them from their neighbours.
But throughout it all, your generosity and support meant that we could keep working and doing what we do. Over the past 12 months, Oxfam reached more than 19 million people around the world with clean, safe drinking water, food, shelter and life-saving hygiene products and information.
Oxfam Ireland alone reached almost eight million people across 10 countries – providing them with humanitarian assistance, training to start their own businesses and advice on how to advocate for themselves.
Despite the many challenges, we continued to support the world’s poorest people to lift themselves out of poverty.
For that, we thank you!
The very best wishes to you and yours for Christmas and the New Year from all of us here at Oxfam Ireland.