How We Are Governed
Oxfam Ireland is a registered charity in Ireland (ROI company number 284292, Charity number CHY 5988) and Northern Ireland (NI company number 33800, Charity number CHY XN89651) with headquarters in Dublin and Belfast. We are registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority in Ireland (Registered Charity Number 20009946) and with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (Registered Charity Number NIC100848). Here are our articles of association for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
As a not-for-profit, charitable status company, Oxfam Ireland is governed by a maximum of 11 unpaid trustees, known as Council or Board members. Since 2012, members are appointed for a maximum of two three-year terms through open competition. Board members appointed as Chair can serve for a maximum of two three-year terms in that role. These trustees participate in special committees set up by management to guide decisions on programme quality, finance and risk.
A Board committee on remuneration and performance appoints the Chief Executive and sets pay rates for the Chief Executive and senior staff. For every paid staff member, we have the support of approximately ten volunteers. We could not carry out our work without this key support from people countrywide and we value it greatly.

Get to Know Our Board
Our independent, voluntary Board or Council provides effective and robust governance across strategy, structure and budgets.

Meet Our Leadership Team
Our experienced leadership team guides our work across our organisation, network of shops and international programmes.
Accountable to you
Trusting us to use your donation to maximum effect is a responsibility we take very seriously.
Our Four Goals
Just Economies, Gender Justice, Climate Justice and Accountable Governance.
International Reach
We’re one of 21 Oxfam organisations working together in 86 countries.
Safeguarding in Action
Keeping people safe is a vital part of our work worldwide.
Our Programme Partners
Our partners support our long-term development and humanitarian work.