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Ground Up Climate Justice Forum on a sticker with a graffiti background. Happening from the 11th to the 12th of April, Sign Up Now

Ground Up: Climate Justice Forum, 11th/12th April, University College Cork

Register for Ground Up: Climate Justice Forum

Join us for Oxfam Ireland's Climate Justice Forum in University College Cork. Register your place now and help us grow a diverse and powerful movement for change. 

Together, we'll be imagining what a truly just and sustainable future looks like and discussing how we build the collective power needed to make that vision a reality! We'll be joined by activists, community groups, artists, thought-leaders and organisations from across Ireland and beyond, all from different backgrounds and movements, all learning from each other. 

This two-day forum will include a variety of discussions, debates, workshops, exhibitions, performances, etc. It will be a space for connecting and empowering grassroots leadership, not for platforming conventional powerholders and policymakers. 

Full timetable to be confirmed - If you have questions reach out to IRL-Campaigns@oxfam.org.

The event is part of a wider European project called ‘Imagining a Climate-Just Future’, which has been funded by EU’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme.